Yumeyakata offered kimonos to Japanese Group Singer ”Golden Bomber” for their 2019

Yumeyakata offered Yumeyakata original men kimonos to Japanese Group Singer ”Golden Bomber” for their 2019 calendar. They matched the kimono and haori(jacket) so cool. Would you like to try the same kimono with them?
Calendar started order from October 1, 2018.[
※The image above is only for reference.
Detail about the Golden Bomber 2019 calendar
Detail about the original men kimono
The kimonos of the members are as follows.
From the left
樽美酒 研二(Darubisshu Kenji):着物/矢絣 深紅 羽織/無地
鬼龍院 翔(Kiryuin Sho):着物/無地 羽織/ジグザグ
喜矢武 豊(Kyan Yutaka):着物/無地 羽織/丸絣 黒
歌広場 淳(Urahiroba Jun):着物/丸絣 黒 羽織/麻型 茶色